
Looking for a better way to manage company travel?

Manage company travel with Roomex - the free, self- service hotel management platform. Search, compare, book, and manage all company travel bookings in one platform that promises the best prices and a team of hotel support experts. Book a 15 minutes demo and our product specialist will show you how Roomex makes hotel booking easier.

Start Saving Time & Money

  • All-In-One Portal
    Shorten the booking process when hotel comparisons, bookings, reporting, invoices, and duty of care are in one place
  • Single Invoice to Simplify Expenses
    Consolidate all bookings to a single invoice that matches internal cost codes - creating visibility into spend while reducing administrative work
  • Best Hotel Rates and Selection Globally
    Roomex combines it’s best prices and locations with your negotiated corporate rates, saving you up to 21% on hotel bookings
  • Personalised Company Travel Policies
    Set price restrictions, room requirements, or any company policies, so your team can book independently while staying within budget

Trusted by over 2000 businesses worldwide

Musgrave Navy
KN Circet Navy
Eville & Jones Navy-2
Readypower Rail
Applus Logo Navy