Roomex Minicabit

Looking for a better way to manage workforce travel?

Save time and money on travel admin. Search, book, manage and pay for all your business hotel bookings in one place. Get access to exclusive Roomex rates.

Talk to one of our travel experts

Some benefits of Roomex

  • We know projects often have tight budgets, with the need for great value hotels.  Roomex has the largest network of workforce suitable 2, 3 and 4-star hotels in the world.  We are continuously sourcing discounted exclusive rates to guarantee savings.
  • Roomex offers dedicated travel experts to recommend and assist you. We will help you manage every aspect of travel - from communicating current safety recommendations to facilitating project bookings. 
  • Book, pay and analyse all travel spend in one place. Cut out spreadsheets and save time when invoices, booking history, savings, and analytics are in one platform.
  • Consolidate all bookings and travel spend into one payment matching internal cost codes.
  • With RoomexPay, you can also add meals, parking, and wifi as you’re booking the accommodation. This is a low risk, affordable option for travelling teams.