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Get access to prices only found on Roomex.

Roomex already offers some of the best prices in the industry on business hotels thanks to its diverse supply network. But, with Roomex Rates, customers have access to rates ONLY found here.

90+ hotels are already offering deals through Roomex including Jurys Inn, Thistle, Clayton, Maldron, and Village Hotels to name a few.

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  • Free, Self Service Platform

    Shorten the booking process when bookings, analytics, invoices, and duty of care are in one place

  • One Payment to Simplify Expenses

    Consolidate all bookings and allowances into one payment matching internal cost codes 

  • Best Hotel Rates and Selection Globally

    Our large supply network and exclusive Roomex Rates deliver top industry prices and selection 

  • Personalised Travel Policies

    Add company policies to your platform, so your team can book independently while staying within budget

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Musgrave Navy
KN Circet Navy
Eville & Jones Navy-2
Readypower Rail
Applus Logo Navy