Roomex - Hotel Bookings Made Easy

5 business travel apps that are a perfect fit for the retail workforce

Written by Hannah Harrington | 27-May-2019 15:11:56

Anyone who works in retail knows that life isn’t always spent behind a till. Grand openings, redesigns and on-site consultations lead to an increasingly hectic life. 

While there is an ever-expanding number of apps out there designed to make work travel as a whole a little bit easier, there are also a few business travel apps that fit retail workers’ needs on the road to a tee. 

Are you looking for a business travel app that will streamline your company's hotel bookings? Get in touch with one of our experts today to learn how Roomex can help.

Whether it’s finding the best bites, keeping track of your time or organising a trip to multiple shop locations, there’s an app that can help: 

1. Zomato

It’s late at night and you just got to your hotel but you haven’t a clue what to eat as it’s your first time in town. Cue Zomato, which can help you find the best meal no matter where you are in the UK or any of the other 23 countries it services. 

Zomato is a one-stop-shop for discovering the best food and most popular restaurants locally, making it the perfect business travel app for those who always find themselves in new cities. Need to grab a quick bite before you start the second leg of your journey, or need to wine and dine a supplier to cement a great professional relationship? Look no further – just open up the app on your phone. 

2. Shoeboxed

No one likes to manage expenses – which is why we got rid of them for business hotel bookings. Shoeboxed is another company that’s trying its best to make receipts and mileage tracking a thing of the past. 

Shoeboxed is a digital receipt scanner and expense tracker – a business travel app that any seasoned traveller needs in their toolbelt. It’s especially useful for the retail workforce for a few reasons:

  • Use the Magic Envelope feature to mail in and log paper-based files like business cards.
  • Create expense reports on the fly to get reimbursed more quickly, thanks to seamless integration with accounting apps.
  • Get highly accurate mileage tracking through GPS functionality. 

Most expense apps only cater to work travel that starts in an airport. While Shoeboxed has the functionality to do just the same, it’s also refreshing to see some features that are geared towards employees that find themselves on the road more so than the sky.

3. Toggl

The most difficult part of finding a great time tracker isn’t about whether it has hundreds of advanced features (although they’re always appreciated). It has more to do with finding an app you’ll actually use and Toggl has that concern covered. 

Toggl is a time-tracking tool that is as easy to use as pushing a button – literally. When you’re on the road or in a new work environment, you can forget about everything you accomplish during the day. Taking the time to make a new folder and give a title to the recording can put people off the routine. Toggl functions as a great business travel app because all it requires is one tap of the screen to get started and can work across a variety of devices, without compromising on analytics.


Lugging around a suitcase full of clothes and hoping you didn’t forget that shirt you had planned to wear to an on-site meeting is just a part of the workforce travel life. Until DUFL hit the scene. The business travel app takes away the stress from packing and travelling, allowing you to focus on what’s important. 

DUFL is a virtual closet and premium travel service that manages your business clothes. Plan ahead by sending all of your business attire to your own personal DUFL vault and then use the app to build a suitcase of everything you need for each individual trip. Did we mention that DUFL will send the suitcase straight to your hotel room?

5. Google Trips

Managing a cross-country trip to a variety of retail locations can be a stress-inducing, headache-causing experience for even the most travelled employees. Google Trips simplifies that by creating a seamless itinerary to help keep you organised and have all your travel arrangements in one place. 

Google Trips is an itinerary tool that, while often used for holidays, can be a powerful solution to the many problems you face during work travel. It functions as a business travel app by suggesting routes, organising your trips and storing all your information for business hotel bookings in an online format that’s easy to get to. 

With these five business travel apps helping to manage the day, retail employees on the road or in the sky for work travel are able to cut out a lot of the challenges they face on a daily basis.

Are you looking to streamline your company's business hotel bookings? Get in touch with one of our experts today to learn how Roomex can help.