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Provide easy-to-use allowances for your team with RoomexPay

Your travelers will never be left out-of-pocket again with RoomexPay's allowances.


Expense management reimagined

Allowances - ControlSpend
Control company spend

Cut out-of-policy spend with proactive spend controls that are applied at the point of sale.

Allowances - BoostEfficiency
Boost efficiency

Automate reconciliation and say goodbye to expense reports with our innovative corporate card solution.

Allowances - MonitorRealTime
Monitor in real time

Track and monitor all travel spend in one place and use real-time analytics to turn insights into action.

Allowances - NoPaperwork
No more paperwork

With in-app receipt upload there's no need for paperwork, reducing false claims and manual errors.

Simplify payment and expenses for employees

Securely and simply pay with the RoomexPay card or app and take a picture of the receipt to instantly claim the expense, so your team never have to sift through receipts at the end of a trip or wait for expenses to be reimbursed.

Allowances - Simplify Payment US
Allowances - FlexibilityOnRoad

Give you staff flexibility on the road

Gain visibility and take control of all company spend. Each card has customizable limits and can be monitored and reported on in real-time with our analytics.

Manage and view all expenses in one place, in real-time

No paperwork, false claims, or manual errors, saving your finance team time and money. Control the entire expense process and reduce risk by eliminating the possibility of bogus claims and project overspend.

Allowances - ManageExpenses US
Allowances - KeepEmployeesHappy

Keep employees happy by never leaving them out of pocket

With instant notifications to the main office, they have the ability to request top-ups while on the road or freeze their card should a problem arise.


ProductSuite-min US


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