Workforce travel is different from leisure travel. We'll supply you with the most relevant properties so you can rest easy and your team can perform at their best.
We have the largest depth and breadth of accommodation in the industry.
Over 1.2 million properties
Top supplier of 2 & 3 star hotels
Industry experts constantly negotiating new rates
We work hand in hand with our suppliers to ensure you're getting the best rates, accommodation types, and global availability.
Offering accommodation from millions of hotel and apartment companies
Some customer favourites include Premier Inn, Travelodge, Best Western, Maldron Hotels, Staycity aparthotels, Holiday Inn Express, and Jurys Inn - to name a few.
Easily add any of your negotiated rates into your Roomex platform
Have any business rates you're already using? We'll add them into your platform and they'll display alongside our rates.
Your platform includes all properties from major booking sites
Everything from to Expedia is crawled when you search for accommodation.
Roomex booking portal is very user-friendly and has saved considerable time and effort in the administration of hotel booking
Roomex allowed Musgrave to bring our accommodation spend under control and proactively manage it more efficiently
All the staff at Roomex are lovely and are just a phone call away. They will deal with any query quickly and with great efficiency
Trusted by over 2000 businesses worldwide
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