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Roomex Business Document Analysis-min


Get your free booking platform today.

Seamless room booking experience, premium features, free to use. It's that simple.





per month
Manual Booking
Using consumer booking platforms or direct to hotels


per month
Travel Management Company

From 3%

per booking
Over 2 million workforce-ready accommodations
Including Premier Inn, Travelodge, Ibis, Holiday Inn, properties and thousands more.
No booking or TMC fees
Single view of all accommodation bookings
Single monthly invoice for all bookings
Reservation checks
Our customer success team will contact the hotel directly to confirm your reservation before you arrive.
Cancellation charge recovery
Our specialist team will attempt to recover a portion of any non-refundable booking you have to cancel.
Projects & Meetings support team
Local support team on phone or email
In-depth reporting and analytics capabilities
Travel allowances
Allowances sent to the traveller or the hotel to pay for food, WiFi or parking.




per month
Over 2 million workforce-ready accommodations
No booking or TMC fees
Single view of all accommodation bookings
Single monthly invoice for all bookings
Reservation checks
Cancellation charge recovery
Projects & Meetings support team
Local support team on phone or email
In-depth reporting and analytics capabilities
Travel allowances
Manual Booking
Using consumer booking platforms or direct to hotels


per month
Over 2 million workforce-ready accommodations
No booking or TMC fees
Single view of all accommodation bookings
Single monthly invoice for all bookings
Reservation checks
Cancellation charge recovery
Projects & Meetings support team
Local support team on phone or email
In-depth reporting and analytics capabilities
Travel allowances
Travel Management Company

From 3%

per booking
Over 2 million workforce-ready accommodations
No booking or TMC fees
Single view of all accommodation bookings
Single monthly invoice for all bookings
Reservation checks
Cancellation charge recovery
Projects & Meetings support team
Local support team on phone or email
In-depth reporting and analytics capabilities
Travel allowances
Experience hassle-free room booking and efficient spend management, all in one place. Get your free Roomex platform now. 
Hotel - Stay
1000s of Hotels

Find the right accommodation in seconds, with thousands of workforce-suitable accommodation options, available at exclusive Roomex rates.

Manage Expenses One Place@2x-min
Actionable Insights

Take control of your travel policy with a comprehensive view of travel spend, compliance and traveller activity.

One Invoice

Consolidate your spend for every hotel, meal and expense into a single invoice. No need to chase receipts or reimburse out-of-pocket expenses.

Customer Service

Our team are on hand to ensure every booking meets your expectations, taking the stress out of travel booking.

Worker - Projects
Simple Project Booking

Our dedicated Projects & Meetings team will help you find the perfect location for your next long-stay, work project or meeting.

As we grew we needed an accommodation provider with the facilities to support us, so we switched to Roomex who have supported us brilliantly along the way. 
Roomex has been a great partner to us by providing an easy to use, scalable, and reliable platform that really helps us to better manage our travel expenses. 
Roomex offers everything we require to travel both domestically and internationally. They provide a smart, professional, and efficient platform whilst still tailoring their service to our individual needs.
Roomex have provided us with a very simple to use platform that meets our needs for our operatives, and has significantly reduced the end-to-end processing time... For us, [Roomex is] highly recommended.
whp-telecoms wickes applus+ vital
Anna Craig, WHP Telecoms
Steven Mapplebeck, Applus+
Vital HR

Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to frequently asked questions about pricing here. Dive in to learn more.

How much does it cost?

It is completely free to sign up and book accommodation with Roomex. Upon sign-up, our team will set up a unique Roomex platform for you, complete with your travel policy, any negotiated rates you have secured with hotels and full access to the RoomexAnalytics suite. Compliance tracking, Duty of Care tracking, reporting, Projects & Meetings booking and Roomex support are all completely free of charge, no matter how much you book. Some fees apply on selected hotels and services (for example where Roomex has secured an exclusive reduced rate) however these are entirely optional.

Is there a demo available?

Yes. Pop your email in the box above and a member of our team will be in touch to arrange a short demo at a time that suits you.

What are the expected savings?

Check the Roomex savings calculator here (make sure cookies are enabled) to find out how much time and money you can save by using Roomex to book your workforce accommodation.

Are there added fees for accessing travel analytics and data?

No. There are no fees to access the RoomexAnalytics suite, which will offer you actionable insights to help improve your workforce travel policy, check policy compliance, track employees on the road and export valuable booking data.

Are there extra fees for cancellations?

Non-refundable rates generally charge up to 100% of the booking cost as a cancellation charge. However, Roomex works with hotels to actively recover cancellation charges for you where possible. Roomex offers a wide range of flexible, refundable rates on hotels to avoid charges wherever possible.

Are there any charges for booking large groups or long-term bookings?

No. Our Projects & Meetings team specialise in finding suitable accommodation for crews, project-based work and long-stay bookings. It is completely free to avail of this service once you have signed up for your free Roomex platform. Simply select ‘RoomexProjects/Groups’ in your Roomex platform to make a project or group booking.

Is there a minimum commitment period?

No. There is no commitment when signing up with Roomex; no contract, no strings attached. Simply get set up with your Roomex platform; we are confident that you’ll enjoy your experience booking with us.

Are there any set-up fees?

No. There are no fees to sign up and get your unique Roomex platform, complete with RoomexAnalytics, Duty of Care tracking, booking management and access to our dedicated customer service team.

How long does it take to get set up?

Your Roomex platform can be set up in as little as 24 hours. Simply pop your email into the box above and we’ll get in touch to get you started.